On June 2nd, Act2gether Germany hosted the first 2getherLand of 2023 in Cologne, gathering 40 teenagers and adults. Organised by “KRF (KinderRechteForum)”, the event aimed to enhance children’s and young people’s mental health with support from three partner organisations.
The day began with an introduction to mental health led by KRF’s psychology expert. Topics covered included the definition of mental health, its connection to children’s rights, and practical self-care strategies.
Following the introduction, a workshop phase took place throughout the morning. Participants had the opportunity to attend two different workshops; one focused on individual strengths and resources, facilitated by the partner organisation “Kopfsachen,” and the other offered training on self-awareness and self-defence, conducted by “All-Aacht.” This allowed the participants to learn in different ways, including learning in stations in small groups and physical training in an outdoor environment.
After a lunch break and leisure activities, the teenagers could choose between two relaxation exercises: a guided dream journey offered by the partner “mentaltalent,” or a yoga session led by KRF’s yoga teacher. The day concluded with a group recap and the distribution of follow-up questionnaires to gather more insights into children’s mental health. The questionnaire was developed in collaboration with the Professional Association of German Psychologists (“Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen“).
Looking ahead, KRF has scheduled a second event on June 20th, featuring a workshop on mental health and digital media, once again supported by All-Aacht. Additionally, more local 2getherLands are planned for fall 2023 in Dresden and Berlin, expanding the reach of this initiative.